
Responsive Website Design Service in Rhode Island

A responsive website design is the best way to have a website that works on any device. The term “responsive” refers to the ability of a web page to adjust to the size of the screen that it is viewed on. This means that the page will change its layout, font, and content to match the screen size. It also allows for a better experience for the user by providing a more convenient viewing experience. You can get started with a responsive website design in Rhode Island via VentCube. We have the ability to offer you the best service in Rhode Island in terms of responsive website design. 

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VentCube offers a reliable web design service with excellent customer service. It's easy to connect with support by chat and their staff is both friendly and helpful.
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I would highly recommend Ventcube Internet Marketing. They are great to work with. The traffic to our website has increased thanks to their SEO program.
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We at Kee Service were very impressed with the all aspects of our new website. We would highly reccomend VentCube to anyone looking to build a new website.
John Coakley
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CCM Construction

Within six months, VentCube’s SEO work catapulted our ‘TP’ product line into top page rankings. As a result, our business has reaped the rewards of the work VentCube provided and will continue providing on our future SEO needs.
William Miller
William Miller

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It has been a pleasure working with VentCube. I appreciate your dedication to the projects that you and your team are on. It is nice from the customers stand point to be able to get in touch with you and your team and you guys always made yourselves available.
Mike Rigdon
Mike Rigdon

Universal Automation

This was the first time I developed a web site so I couldn’t have asked for a better or easier group to work with. The entire process from sales through development and launch was timely and extremely efficient. A fantastic experience all around!
Tom Focht

Awesome, Awesome company!!! VentCube has been helping us for years. They created our website and have continually updated it and adjusted to our growing and changing company. They have increased our online presence in every area we take on. Recently we had some of our listings hacked. Found it on Saturday and everyone started working on it asap and by Monday morning it was all fixed in time for the workday. You can rest comfortably when Thrive is looking after you. Thanks VentCUbe team for everything you do for us.

Tom Focht

All Pro Door LTD

Michael Arden

VentCube implemented some design aspects into our website, which I had wanted to try since the business was started. VentCube provided a team of relevant experts who worked with the email postcards that we send out, scheduling and design aspects for individual pages. During the development process, VentCube sent me working models, listened to my critiques, and made appropriate changes, explaining why certain elements were built as they were. VentCUbe has also helped me manage our pay-per-click advertising as well as handling our SEO.

Michael Arden

Elephants Remember


Responsive website design services we offer in Rhode Island

VentCube is a web design company in Rhode Island. We have years of experience in the field and our team is constantly updating our skills and knowledge to stay ahead of the competition. The services we provide for responsive website design are given below : 

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User interface design

User interface design refers to the visual elements of your website. Our UI design philosophy focuses on target customer engagement while ensuring your site’s interface provides a consistent brand image.

User experience design

The term "user experience" is used to describe the overall impression that your site leaves on its visitors. In order to correctly assess how prospective consumers may access online material, we develop a user experience strategy before beginning the UX design process.

Technical SEO consulting

Maintenance of sitemaps, optimization of indexing and crawling, use of canonical tags, bot rendering, URL structure, tag and image optimization, schema recommendations, and design of category and subcategory structures are just some of the technical SEO elements in which we excel.

Single page checkout.

The quality of your online buying experience is something we can help you with. If you want to improve your site's user experience (UX), add payment alternatives, cross-sell and upsell capabilities, and implement a single-page checkout, we can assist.

HTML and CSS coding

HTML5 and CSS3 are used today for website development because they permit the automatic webpage sizing and flexible media retrieval required for responsive web design. We have HTML and CSS coders who customize your website for various screen sizes.

eCommerce and CMS design

Our talented responsive web design team can convert your existing website into a responsive CMS site. We deliver excellent UX and UI design solutions for eCommerce tools like Magento, Drupal, WooCommerce, Shopify, BigCommerce, and more.

Why Choose VentCube

Why choose VentCube for responsive website design in Rhode Island?

There are many reasons why you should choose VentCube for responsive website design in Rhode Island. VentCube has been creating stunning websites for many years. They understand that the web is constantly evolving. In fact, the entire company has been built around this philosophy. When it comes to responsive website design, VentCube has a unique understanding of the process that will ensure that your new site looks beautiful across all platforms, from desktops to mobile devices. And, it’s not just about the look—they also understand how your content will be presented across each device. 

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How we design websites and applications

We are a firm that specializes in building responsive websites, meaning that we build sites that automatically adjust to the viewing environment regardless of the device or screen size used. Great designs that get results and have people taking the correct actions at the right time are what we’re all about, and we achieve that by combining fluid grids, responsive pictures, text that’s easy to read, and media queries.

Brand research

We believe in working with you closely to learn about your company, your process, your industry, and your ideal customers so that we can effectively communicate your story.

Customer research

We analyze the competition and determine the wants and preferences of your niche. This creative problem-solving allows us to provide customers with an enjoyable experience while also meeting their needs.

Intuitive UX/UI design

Our websites are “device agnostic,” meaning they look great on all major platforms and browsers, from iOS and Android to Windows, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. Our sites are “device agnostic,” meaning they look great on all major platforms and browsers, from iOS and Android to Windows, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome.

Designs for real people

Responsive web design service in Rhode Island is what we do best since it allows us to help actual people with their concerns. Users won’t return to a site that doesn’t address their concerns. To achieve tangible outcomes, we create products with actual people in mind.

Fluid performance 

A website designed by us will have a fresh, contemporary style and be simple to use. Our developed websites run smoothly, which pleases the visitors.

Time saving work 

Your time and money spent on developing a non-responsive website will be greatly reduced by using our responsive website design services. There is no need to run two separate sites, one for desktop and one for mobile. It’s sufficient with a single.

SEO-friendly designs 

Millions may be made with improved search engine results and more website visitors. We provide layouts that search engines can more readily interpret, increasing your site’s credibility in their eyes.

On-page and off-page

Our On-Page SEO services will transform your online shop into a well-oiled cash register. The SEO work we do will be fueled by our off-site operations, which will include a comprehensive content marketing plan.

 Reports and analytics

If you have a responsive website, Google Analytics will work optimally, allowing you to easily manage reports, measure metrics, monitor performance, and draw conclusions.

The advantages of the responsive website design that VentCube provides:

Nowadays, people are always on the go. Almost all SaaS companies prioritize mobile devices alongside traditional computers. Mobile app use has surpassed desktop usage for most SaaS applications. However, there is more than one reason why you need a mobile-friendly website.

More traffic

The enhanced usability of responsive websites keeps visitors on these pages for longer. Google uses metrics such as time on site, page load speed, and bounce rate to determine a site’s ranking. Your website’s usability, load time, and bounce rate will all improve after you use responsive design. A higher Google page rank means more visitors.

Cheaper maintenance 

A website needs more testing and upkeep once it goes live. When your website is responsive, you won’t need to worry about updating several versions for different devices; just one. Less money and effort will be needed for an upkeep if you choose a responsive layout.

Higher conversions 

A responsive website is key to converting new customers. Some people will learn about your product from their mobile devices or tablets. When they’re ready to get a free trial, you don’t want them to get redirected to a device-specific website. Offer the best usability for your visitors, and this will reflect in your conversions.


Frequently Asked Questions

3.3 hours per day is the average amount of time that people spend consuming digital media on their cell phones. Due to this change in customer habits, a website that is solely compatible with desktop computers is no longer adequate.
The definition of a responsive website design. In a responsive layout, the page's layout changes in response to the width of the viewing window. A responsive website allows users to access the site from any device without compromising the viewing experience. 

Each web page (the homepage, the about page, etc.) has its own file, and these files make up a website. The content and code for each HTML file are included in their own files (text and images). Cascading Style Sheets are the files used to format the appearance of websites (CSS). To simplify things, let's pretend that the files plus a handful of CSS files that regulate the site's appearance are what makes up a typical (non-responsive) website. A responsive website will employ a different set of CSS files to adapt to the visitor's device. The site's appearance and how it "responds" change depending on the kind of device being used to access it.
If you're reading the site on a desktop computer, the menu will be shown horizontally; on a mobile device, the menu will be displayed vertically and the font will be scaled to make it easier to read. 

There was a time when people only accessed websites from a desktop computers. The vast majority had the same size monitor. Websites are designed for the average visitor. Today, people access websites from a variety of different devices with screens ranging from a few inches all the way up to 27 inches or more, and expectations have changed. Consumers expect the website they’re visiting to know that they’re using a tablet vs. a PC. They expect the site to adjust to them—not the other way around.
Usability standards vary among devices. People have been "taught" by the Apple iPhone to expect to be able to swipe in all directions (left, right, up, and down). Mobile site visitors anticipate being able to tap a phone number and having their device prompt them to contact the number. As such, people anticipate being able to utilize their phone's GPS when presented with an address and clicking on a button to get instructions to the given location.
A responsive website will consider all of these factors and will automatically modify itself to deliver the greatest possible user experience on any device.

According to Google's most recent research, a responsive website is essential for every company, big or small, to obtain and keep an advantage in today's market. But hey, don't take my word for it; check out these numbers from the world of advertising:

  • 57% of people who visit a mobile site that is badly designed do not suggest it to others (scrub)
  • In the United States, mobile devices account for 57% of all internet users (BrightEdge, 2017)
  • Sixty-nine percent of smartphone owners also report being more willing to make purchases from businesses whose mobile sites quickly and effectively resolve any problems or complaints they may have (BrightEdge, 2017)
  • The number of times consumers engage with brands on mobile devices has surpassed every other medium, including TV, in-store, etc., by a factor of two (Google, 2017)
  • 50 percent of B2B search queries today are made on smartphones and will grow to 70 percent by 2020
  • Three-quarters of smartphone users initially use search to get answers to pressing questions (Google, 2017)

Responsive website design and SEO 

The marketing industry was rocked in 2015 by what has become known as "Mobilegeddon." Google said on April 21 that mobile-friendliness will be used as a ranking signal, with responsive, mobile-friendly sites being given preference in search results. Many revisions have occurred since then, and mobile friendliness has always been taken into account as a major factor in rankings.

More traffic from higher ranks means more potential customers seeing your website, which in turn means more purchases.

It does this by adjusting the dimensions of various elements of the site to fit the smaller screens of mobile devices.

A Google-provided tool may check whether your site is optimized for mobile use. An experienced web designer can usually identify whether your site is mobile-friendly simply by looking at it, but Google's mobile responsive test is the industry standard.
To check whether your site is optimized for mobile use.
Usability standards vary among devices. People have been "taught" by the Apple iPhone to expect to be able to swipe in all directions (left, right, up, and down). Mobile site visitors anticipate being able to tap a phone number and having their device prompt them to contact the number. As such, people anticipate being able to utilize their phone's GPS when presented with an address and clicking on a button to get instructions to the given location.
A responsive website will consider all of these factors and will automatically modify itself to deliver the greatest possible user experience on any device. 

As obvious as it may seem, people's attitudes towards the internet have changed dramatically in the last few years. When the design is responsive, the site will display properly on any device, not just desktop computers. You'll spare yourself the trouble of maintaining two distinct online presences, one for regular computers and one for mobile devices. If you've done everything right, each time you make a change, it will be reflected in all of the versions.
Information from mobile and desktop users should be included in your Google Analytics reports. Your social sharing statistics will be easier to manage with one unified URL for all of your website's iterations. 

A single word: transformation. Unattractive and difficult to use on different devices equals more bounces and fewer sales. Irritation with slow load times has made users increasingly impatient. Websites that don't prioritize the user experience tend to lose visitors who are only looking for information. Having a clear, straightforward objective that the user can simply follow will increase the likelihood that they will remember the information presented.

The webpages that are optimized for mobile devices are served to mobile users only. In order to provide an ideal viewing experience regardless of the device or screen size, responsive websites utilize a design that dynamically reorganizes the site in real-time. 

Your website's mobile experience, user experience, and search engine indexing quality will all suffer if you don't make the necessary updates. 

The common pitfall of many brands' online presences is the inclusion of too many features that aren't really essential. Messy websites are more challenging to use because they take longer to load and are less sensitive to the user's context and activities. Another indicator of a badly designed website is when the text is too small to read or the buttons are too large to be used on a mobile device.

A successful website is one that displays properly on mobile devices in addition to traditional desktop PCs. Mobile-friendly websites rearrange their content to make the most of the limited-screen real estate. You can do this with the use of CSS media queries, flexible grids, and responsive images. 

  • The visitor, who will be given the finest experience when going through your website whether they are using a desktop PC or a mobile device, will reap the most benefits.
  • Since all links to pages point to the same website, the SEO value is not divided between the desktop version and the mobile version, which is advantageous for your site.
  • When a Googlebot scans your site, a responsive design helps conserve resources and raises the site's rating.
  • One version of your website makes maintenance simpler and more affordable.
  • Additional benefits include future scalability, which makes it simple to accommodate any additional screen sizes and devices in the future.

How long it takes and how much it costs to convert your website to a responsive layout will rely on factors including its current size, its current layout, and any additional items it currently uses.

The primary focus of responsive web design is to create websites that adapt to the user's environment, as opposed to interactive web design's focus on constructing sites that respond to the user's actions. Examples of the best work in web design include adaptive layouts that adapt to the screen size of the user's device and encourage participation from the reader. This guarantees that all visitors, whatever the size of their screen, will have a satisfying experience when using the site.

Any website can gain popularity by using responsive designs. Because it can be visited on nearly any electronic device, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone, it makes the site highly scalable. However, it took some time for others to recognize how important this specific design concept was, and at first, just 3% of businesses used it. Showing that the tendency has accelerated, nearly 65 percent of individuals now use websites that are mobile-intensive. This quick increase in responsive designs is also largely attributable to the rise in computer and tablet sales. Due to the numerous benefits that these websites provide, more will reportedly be established in the future, claim industry experts.
All websites on a single platform Because responsive websites employ a single set of HTML and URLs, they are simpler to update. Through a single Content Management System, content modifications are simpler to implement (CMS). Since everyone can access the website from any device, it is easier to update, which boosts its popularity and client appeal. The case will not be the same if nature is responsive, but websites that are specifically designed for mobile devices require various landing pages for each of the campaigns. According to statistics, 30% of search clicks and 60% of mail checking are performed on tablets and smartphones. Due to user behavior, responsive websites will undoubtedly benefit from the change.
increased user satisfaction. Because the designs and information are made expressly for these customers, even if they are not aware of it, the browsing and shopping experiences are much improved with a responsive e-commerce website. Although many websites are designed more for searching than for navigation, for all users, user-friendliness is of utmost importance.
Cost-effectiveness The benefit of saving money by creating a single site that works on all devices is the best element of creating a responsive website. Websites that are accessible on both desktops and smartphones must have two web addresses. Additionally, the cost of two websites will be higher than one. Additionally, responsive designs are best for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) because all visitors will arrive at a single website and can be readily counted.
loading of websites. People detest having to wait for a website to load while staring at their phone or computer screen. Therefore, the slow performance makes the majority of browsers impatient, as demonstrated by several surveys. The process is much slower when using responsive websites because all the content must be downloaded from universal HTML files that are also used by other devices. They also improve the smartphone experience. However, in order to view the extra material, additional scripts are required.
design limitations It is difficult to design pages for responsive websites since they must both fit on smartphone devices and grab users' attention.

Today, devices other than personal computers can be used to access the internet. Thanks to technology, our machines are getting smaller and more convenient every day. It is unsurprising that more people are using smartphones and tablets to access the internet daily, representing the next generation's take on computers. Websites in this situation face fresh difficulties. Making the website functional and usable regardless of the device used to access it is challenging. This suggests that websites must be more user-friendly by becoming adaptive across all devices. It is at this point that responsive web design is functional. Making a website responsive ensures that viewers can access the same services regardless of their browser. The device they are using, unlike separate mobile sites with limited functionality. A website with a responsive design is accessible across a range of devices and has all of its functionality.
You might switch to responsive design for the following reasons:
1: Increased Use of Devices Other Than Desktop and Laptop Computers to Access Internet browsing on mobile devices and tablets is becoming more popular. This growing number of users who access the internet via devices other than traditional PCs should be able to find what they're looking for on your website. It must be prepared for the following updates as well. Making your website responsive might ultimately be advantageous.
2: Potential For Increasing Sales You will miss out on many conversion opportunities if your website is not responsive. Your prospects of converting visitors who cannot view all of your website's features in nonresponsive mode are limited. The more your target audience grows, the more marketing methods for your adaptable website will pay off.
3: Reduces Cost You'll be able to manage it from a single platform thanks to your responsive website. You won't have to deal with the headaches of managing a different mobile site under another name. The design and implementation of a single website will be the main focus, along with its updating and optimization.
4: Review of Your Website-Related Work When you manage only one website, you will give the web design and layout more thought and time. There isn't much room for this if you have a separate mobile website; instead, all you can concentrate on is the content while keeping SEO in mind. Your ability to offer is aided by a responsive design, improving your SEO.
5: Providing Future Protection Your website will be best positioned among competitors right now if it has a responsive web design ready for future improvements. These responsive websites are future-proof and time and money-saving while being functional across numerous access platforms. Given all the benefits of responsive websites, you should look for web designers who provide these services if your website isn't already responsive. We are moving toward responsive websites in the future.
You do realize that the previous section did not address your question, don't you? If you have any questions, you may address them in the comments below or email us at hello@ventcube.com. You can reach us at +1 302 260 6306 if you have any additional questions or requirements. 


We provide Digital Marketing solutions for this industry.

Our Digital Marketing services for this industry are designed to help you grow your business by increasing the amount of traffic to your website, boosting conversions, and creating brand awareness.
Automotive & Transportation

Automotive & Transportation

When it comes to the automotive industry, digital continues to play an increasingly important role. As consumers shop online more and more, auto dealers and manufacturers need to find new ways to engage with consumers online. Digital marketing for the automotive industry is a good place to start.



Industrial companies struggle to market their products and services in a digital arena. This is part due to a lack of marketing resources, but largely due to a lack of understanding of the opportunities that exist. Industrial companies often ignore digital marketing because they perceive it to be too costly, or because “it doesn’t work”.

Home Repair

Home Repair

Digital marketing is the art of using the internet to craft your message and reach your ideal customer. For home improvement contractors, this simply means using a website, social media, search engine optimization (SEO), etc., to get your message and contact details in front of potential customers.



Franchisees should pay attention to the digital market, as it’s an effective way to reach more customers who are interested in what you do. The franchise system as a whole is a relatively established business, so digital marketing can help bring that offline presence into the digital age, where customers can find more information.

Food & Beverage

Food & Beverage

Beyond products, brand experiences, and brick and mortar locations, food and beverage companies are now increasingly leveraging digital marketing to connect with consumers and grow their business. A recent survey revealed 58 percent of U.S. consumers believe digital marketing is the most effective method for food and drink brands to reach them.



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Medical & Health

Medical & Health

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Retail & Ecommerce

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Recreation & Entertainment

Today, recreation and entertainment businesses are more reliant on digital marketing than ever before. And yet, many of these companies are still using outdated marketing tactics that are simply not working anymore. As a result, they’re missing out on new customers, new revenue, and a better return on investment (ROI). You need to use digital marketing to reach the right customers.

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Real Estate

Real estate is a great investment, but it’s also a very competitive market. So how do you stand out from the crowd? You need a marketing strategy that works. And that’s where digital marketing comes in. It’s the most cost-effective way to reach potential buyers and get them interested in buying your home. Digital marketing is a huge part of our lives. It’s how we search for information, find things to do, and even find people. But, it’s not just for the digital natives.

Heavy Equipment

Heavy Equipment

Heavy equipment companies are always looking for ways to improve their marketing strategies. But what about those of us who are just starting out? Do we really need to be using the same old tactics as the big players? The answer is yes! You’ll learn how to market your business effectively, how to get the most out of your digital marketing efforts, and how to build a brand that will last.

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If you’re a local business owner or entrepreneur, it’s critical that you get in front of your target audience and start generating leads. In this post, I’ll walk you through a simple process to start generating leads right now. Digital marketing can help you gain new customers and improve your conversion rate—all while reducing costs and increasing profit margins.

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